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Ace of Spades & The Full Moon

The Ace of Spades

The Ace of Spades in Cardology (Metasymbology, Destiny Cards … whichever term you like to use) is associated with secrets, death, transformation, change, and new beginnings. It is often seen as a symbol of release and renewal, encouraging individuals to let go of the baggage of the past in order to embrace new growth and possibilities.

The Full Moon

The Full Moon is often associated with illumination, intuition, and heightened emotions. It is a time when emotions may be heightened, and insights may be more easily accessible. When combined with the energy of the Ace of Spades, this suggests that this is a powerful time for self-reflection and introspection. It may be a time to let go of old habits, patterns, or relationships in order to make way for new growth and opportunities.

The Full Moon with The Ace of Spades

The Full Moon is also a time of manifestation, when the energy of the universe is aligned to support the manifestation of one’s desires and intentions. When combined with the energy of the Ace of Spades, this suggests that this is a time to set intentions for personal growth and transformation, and to be open to the possibilities of the universe. When this combination is in affect, it’s a time to let go of old patterns and embrace new possibilities and be honest with yourself, reflect on your deepest desires and intentions, and to be open to the possibilities of the universe. Whether through meditation, ritual, or other practices, taking time to connect with the energy of the Ace of Spades and the Full Moon can provide valuable insight and guidance for personal growth and transformation.

The Negative Side

While the combination of the Ace of Spades and the Full Moon is generally associated with transformation and new beginnings, there are some potential negative aspects to be aware of.

One potential negative aspect of this combination is that the energy may be overwhelming for some individuals. The Full Moon is often associated with heightened emotions and intense feelings, and when combined with the transformative energy of the Ace of Spades, it can be a lot to handle. This can lead to feelings of overwhelm, anxiety, or confusion, particularly for those who are sensitive to the energy of the Full Moon.

Another potential negative aspect of this combination is that it may lead to impulsive or reckless behavior. The Ace of Spades is associated with change and new beginnings, and when combined with the powerful energy of the Full Moon, it may lead individuals to make rash decisions or take actions without fully considering the consequences. This can be particularly true for those who are already feeling a sense of restlessness or dissatisfaction with their current situation.

Additionally, the combination of the Ace of Spades and the Full Moon may bring up unresolved issues or past traumas that need to be addressed. While this can ultimately lead to healing and transformation, it can also be a difficult and painful process that requires time and attention.

Overall, while the combination of the Ace of Spades and the Full Moon has the potential to be transformative and positive, it is important to approach this energy with caution and awareness. Taking time to ground oneself, meditate, and reflect on one’s intentions can help to mitigate any potential negative effects and ensure that the energy is channeled in a positive and productive way.

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I have been receiving readings from Tam for about 3 years now. Her readings are always accurate, to the point, and honest. She is able to find answers and provide clarity and guidance. She makes her clients feel safe enough to be vulnerable and open up. Thanks Tam!



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